Aug 14, 2008

Are We Free

When India got independence in 1947 from the clutches of British Government, every human who called himself an Indian would have rejoiced the moment. But, think of the moment in which we are living today. We move in the best automobiles ever made, live in the best houses ever built, and get entertained with a six by Sachin Tendulkar or by a Shahrukh Khan’s movie. But, are we actually free? Are we doing the things, which we actually wanted to do, or someone behind the curtain is making us do those things, which we are doing so as to get advantage from it?

When we look at the situation in general sense, one can say “well! Of course I am free. I am working for an MNC, I get paid for my work, I move around freely, have fun with my television and live a life which I wanted to live”. But, isn’t it a life that we were forced to live?

Here, I think of a situation shown in the movie ‘Gladiator’ where the new emperor, who killed his father to get the power, built a Coliseum where the gladiators fought and entertained the people. The people of Rome loved the emperor to give such a vision to them but behind the scenes, they actually gave submission to him without even knowing that they did so because they all got distracted from the woes of the time. This finally resulted in the death of Roman Empire.

The same can be the situation at this moment too when we are duped by watching a WWE match or by a K-serial of Ekta Kapoor or by news that talks about what Miss Rakhi Sawant is going to do on the Valentine’s Day. All these things keep us busy so that we cannot think more critically in the things that are of more importance. And, this is beneficial for some most influential people as they can do whatever they want keeping us busy in the so-called ‘infotainment’.

Today, every one of us wants to be different. We want to be better than the other person. But, this only thing makes us divided. Remember when the British Government followed the so-called ‘divide and rule’ policy. They wanted the rulers to think of becoming better than the other ruler, which led to wars between them giving advantage to the British and finally we ended in slavery.

Both these attributes of a human being ‘inclination to entertainment’ and ‘willingness of being different’ force him to become a slave. We are becoming slaves in a sense if we continue to keep these two attributes inherent in us.

Now, one will ask, “if we are slaves, then who is the master’. The answer is: those who get an advantage from this, the governments and international bankers. The governments get benefit because they can do anything they want and the people wont resist them because they are more interested in the stupefying entertainments, fashion and a race of becoming better than the other.

But, even more benefits are to the international bankers who are responsible to create money by printing notes and distributing them in form of loans to the government thereby charging interest, for which they print more notes.

The influential people are misleading us. We believe what they say as true because they say that over and over and over. Think for example, of terrorism. Terrorism is becoming an issue that is most talked about these days. To keep the citizens of US safe, the US government has passed so many acts that actually reduced the free rights of the citizens. Now, the FBI can go into any house for search without any warrant and keep you in custody just if they suspect you as a terrorist. The war on terror is so proliferated and extended that it becomes a terror in itself. The governments can perform anything in the name of war on terrorism and people won’t question them. The US wars on Afghanistan and Iraq were not much resisted. The governments spent billions of dollars in the name of the war against terrorism and no one questioned them. The benefits of the wars went to the Federal Reserve Bank that provided the loans for US government. Thousands of Americans died and Federal Bank made millions.

There are so many more important issues that need to be thought of. We have to be aware. We have every right to know the truth. If we think on the important issues that are taking place and keep us informed and if we question the reason of happening of those events, we would know more. And, this knowledge would bring enlightenment.

You should think differently but never think of being different because the feeling of being different divides us. And, that division makes us a slave.


Sandy@IBS said...

Kudos to u bro 4 for coming out with such an idea. As a person always try to persuade others to believe he/she is happy as he is free to do everything according to his willingness when dis question is asked. But when we ask the same to ourself,the answer makes us think about us which we never even think of n never want to tell others.
On this independence eve, would like people to get the Freedom from their own thought.
Free ourselves from extraneous variables which bind us to some mental trauma.
Jai Hind..

Neha said...

hey dis is a real nice post bt dnt u thnk agreed we r getting deviated by k serials n wwe bt still dere r so many tension in real life dat smhw dat lil deviation takes us to a different world altogether nt u n me bt wat bout d india as a whole i mn d real india i.e. the rural india cn u imagine d amount of happiness d females over dere probably wd b experiencing by seeing d ekta kapoor's serial n for a moment just stop thnkn bout all her problems n gettin engrossed in it n livin dose moments 4 her r more precious dn d serious 1's concerning her n her family n future n her village n her country so dude just let them live dose moments 4 sum while atlst coz u nvr knw bout future hence, live evry moment as ur last few moments n cherish dm... i knw it sounds wierd bt dats wat i thnk

Unknown said...

dude first of all congrats on this topic of urs...but I beg to differ...we need to live under compulsions and limitations...if we as human beings exercise discretion at our own will and wish then we end up becoming nature has given us all the freedom to use its resources judiciously...buttoday we talk abt climatic change and stuff...this essentially becoz we did not understand the linitations nature....we need to work with and around linitations and not against it....though are freedom struggle was a great thing to happen to release us from doesnt mean that we live life according to our own will and wish but lead a life that is beneficial to u and others in the process being independent of others coercion but not the mankind's interest as a comment does not talk abt the economic, political or social freedom in particular but freedom in general....gr8 job Naveen

Deepesh said...

yaar... taarif sabne kar di. ab mein MBA waala to hoo nahi jo zyaada sochu, technical banda hoo, technical galtiya nikaal sakta hoo. wht do u actually mean by residents??

Unknown said...

I agree with u. We r ruled by the politicians who just serve their purpose without caring about others .They r no different to the British government. Like them our politicians also believe in ‘divide n rule policy’. We’ve politicians like Raj Thackeray who just for gaining few votes do not feel shame to divide his country into states. If this will be situation and, no action will be taken against these kind of persons , then days r not far when monster politicians like Robert Mugabe will head our country and will make the hell out of it.

Unknown said...

Nice work dude. I won't write much bcoz I cannot think that much.

Lakshmi, In a Tryst with Understanding said...

Freedom is not a word, it is an experience which has been defined and redefined for ages.....your article throws light on the essence of redefining at this juncture.. nice work!

shuja said...

Good work dude...its really heartning to read such an inspiring blog...lookin forward to read many more such articles in future...
happy bloggin :)

Navchawla said...

thnx for all the has motivated me to write more..thnx a lot

Unknown said...

gud job....keep it up....god bless u